
"...grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."

Reinhold Niebuhr

What is an Infertility Coach, and Why Do I Need One?

You don't know what you don't know. I help people who dream of becoming parents to navigate the complicated world of fertility treatments and other paths to parenthood. Using an evidence-based, scientific approach, I enable you to make informed decisions about building your family without consulting Dr. Google, blogs, and forums.

You: feeling alone, overwhelmed, and potentially hopeless

Me: the missing link between you and your fertility clinic -- always in your corner

Fertility clinic: an unknown -- and sometimes impersonal -- business

Infertility Coaching: What I Do


Get answers to questions you didn’t even know needed to be asked to help make scientifically-based, well-informed decisions about your next steps.


You are not alone on this journey. But you need a fellow infertility warrior to support and guide you, pick up the pieces when your world is falling apart, and celebrate even your smallest wins.


Self-advocacy is voicing what you need — not confrontation. Most infertility warriors are not natural self-advocates and thus need help developing this skill.


Wishing is the belief that your goal — building your family — will simply manifest into reality. Hope, on the other hand, is the belief that the future will be better than the present and you have the power to make it so. Together, I’ll help you build a hopeful mindset.


Develop the ability to accept the challenges of your situation, process and recover from pain more effectively, eliminate resistance to prolonged suffering, and find healthy ways to adapt and move forward.

Health & Wellness

Although it can be an uncomfortable topic for some, your overall health and lifestyle matters on this journey. Optimize it to be fertility-boosting rather than fertility-hindering.

Analysis & Action Plan *

$497 one-time

Thorough review and analysis of your medical history, infertility journey, and current diet and lifestyle

Identify any missed diagnoses, potentially helpful supplements, and additional testing

Provide feedback on past treatment cycles and make suggestions for future attempts

Evaluate current doctor and clinic and research alternatives

Develop a detailed action plan and recommended next steps

And more as needed for your unique situation

Afterward: 1 week of brief follow-up questions

* Required for all coaching levels below unless otherwise determined during your free consultation. Can also be purchased without a coaching program.

Coaching Programs **

** Minimum commitment of 6 months. Requires a separate Analysis and Action Plan ($497 one-time) unless otherwise determined during your free consultation.

Silver Level

Five (5) one-on-one 15-minute sessions (can be used at any time during the 6 months)

Gold Level

Ten (10) one-on-one 15-minute sessions (can be used at any time during the 6 months)

Platinum Level

Fifteen (15) one-on-one 15-minute sessions (can be used at any time during the 6 months)

All coaching programs include:

Unlimited text messaging support

In-depth research of the issues discussed during and between our sessions

Access to ALL resources, including guides, checklists, workbooks, exercises, and more

Ketogenic, paleo, and Whole30 guidelines and recipes for enhanced fertility

Month-to-month after the original 6-month commitment, with 1 one-on-one 15-minute session added each month (can be used at any time and rollover)

1 free one-on-one 15-minute session for every monthly member referred

Why Choose Me as Your Coach?

A Realist

Your feelings are valid. Although no one should stay in the dark place for too long, I'll make that journey with you -- and help you find your way back out. No 'just think positive.'

Excellent Listener

Whether it's during our one-on-one sessions or via text messages while you hide in the bathroom at work, I am here to listen to your hopes and fears about building your family.

A Researcher

In addition to being naturally curious, I love getting down into the nitty-gritty of individuals' unique infertility journeys -- and the questions still left unanswered.

No B.S.

Although I wish I could promise you a quick and successful pregnancy, alas, I cannot. But I can promise you no B.S. Our relationship will be one of kindness, honesty, and transparency.